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131 Fans
Baraka Sports

Baraka Sports

4.75 Stars - 8 Votes


Mecca St. Near Jaber Center - Um Al Summaq



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week; Except Friday
10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I buy a compact/foldable treadmill?

@Baraka Sports has the ones you're talking about. 235 JD - 650 JD depending on the brand and the extras each machines has

Where can I rent a punching bag machine?

You can find them at @Baraka Sports and @Sports 4 ever, but I don't know about renting them...

Where can I find all speedo goggles collection?

@Baraka Sports has speedo 205 goggles, 330 goggles, 7000 goggles, mask goggles, bioface goggles,

Where can I buy a treadmill for 400-550 JDs?

@Baraka Sports has offers sometimes depending on the brand of the machine

Where can I find abs stimulator?

You can find one @Baraka Sports but the quality might not be very good, in this case you could order one from @Ubuy Jordan

Where can I find a place that sells sports equipment?

depending on what you're looking for but you can find sports equipment @Baraka Sports

Where can I find a Yoga mat?

@Baraka Sports has them and they're quite cheap

Where can I find ping pong balls?

You can actually find them in any place that sells sports equipment like @Baraka Sports , I would recommend you get a large batch of ping pong balls I always lose mine for some reason
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