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21 Fans
Bambini JO

Bambini JO

3 Stars


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7 Days a Week; Except Friday
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I find frozen waffles or waffle mix?

@Bambini JO 10 Grain Pancake & Waffle Mix 680g - Whole Grain VENDOR BOB'S RED MILL - 5.600 JOD

Where can I find Cosori Airfryer?

@Bambini JO COSORI - Air Fryer | 1500W | 4.7 Liters - 99 JD

Where can I find diapers?

if you want something organic, you can find Organic Diapers from PUREBORN @Bambini JO for 13 JD

Where can I find camping kit for kids?

you can find Camping Adventure Discovery Tent. 65 JOD @Bambini JO

Where can I find the best quality food processor?

@Bambini JO they have the brand Nutribullet for 250 JD. This is the highest quality of machines

Where can I find a cheap sandbox for kids?

@Bambini JO have one that looks like a turtle and it's cute it's 75 jds

Where can I find Avalon Organics Anti Dandruff shampoo?

Avalon Organics - Anti-Dandruff Itch & Flake Shampoo 414ml VENDOR AVALON ORGANICS Regular price 12.550 JOD @Bambini JO
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