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86 Fans
Ard & Ward

Ard & Ward

4.5 Stars - 4 Votes


King Abdullah ll St. Bldg. #353 - Khalda



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I find the best flower shop?

@Ard & Ward nicest packaging and the service is great

Where can I find a place that does garden art or garden design?

@Tumayr is definitely a good place to hit since they can also help you with landscape designs and what not. Also for some garden stuff check out @Ard & Ward

Where can I find rocks for outdoor decoration?

Also check @Ard & Ward or @Sanabel for Landscape Design & Services they can provide you with that

Where can I buy a nice indoor plant?

@Ard & Ward they have a great indoor collection

Where can I find an elegant restaurant with great food service (Non-alcoholic)?

I like all of @Villa Caffe @Ward Restaurant @56 Cafe & Restaurant , the atmosphere there is lovely and their food is excellent !

Where can I buy plants?

@Ard & Ward has a good variety of plants next to madeeneh al tibieh

Where can I buy real tree branches?

Check out @Ard & Ward as well as @Alissar Flower Boutique

Where can I find small flower baskets?

Check out @Ard & Ward they can makes you whatever you want

Where can I find the best shop for the garden?

@Ard & Ward - Close enough and has humungous selection of indoor and outdoor plants!
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