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44 Fans
Amina's Natural Skincare

Amina's Natural Skincare

4.75 Stars - 4 Votes


Sameer AL Rifai St. 39, Opposite PWC - 3rd Circle



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week; Except Friday
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

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Where can I buy eucalyptus oil and what's the price if you have any idea?

@Amina's Natural Skincare it is even organic, and they sell it for around 8 JDs . Check out the Facebook page they have all the products they sell on there!

Where can I find The Ordinary glycolic acid?

This is usually sold at Sephora and there isnt a sephora in Amman. You can order it online or buy an alternative toning solution to it. Check out @Amina's Natural Skincare they have wonderful products and everything is organic and chemical free!

Where can I find organic laundry detergent?

@Amina's Natural Skincare they have the All Purpose Cleaner, Natural soap made from plant oils, minerals, vinegar and essential oils for all cleaning purposes. For all types of cleaning. One soap with many uses.

Where can I find tea tree oil for a low price?

@Amina's Natural Skincare it costs 7 JD and if you’re looking for lower check out any attar shop it costs 1 JD but the quality is not that much. There is also @Natural Looks and @The Body Shop

Where can I find oils such as almond oil (not just coconut oil and olive oil)?

if you need it for beauty, check out @Amina's Natural Skincare and if you need it for health and cooking, check out @Select Foods Shoppe o and @Seed and @Miles
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