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154 Fans
Al Shalati Bookshop

Al Shalati Bookshop

4.5 Stars


Wasfi Al Tal St. Bldg. #112, Close to Radio Hayat FM - Gardens



Operating Hours:

7 Days a week
Sat - Thu
10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
2:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I find cute handmade cards for Valentines?

go to @From the Earth Amman showroom, you'll find a variety of all handmade products beside handmade greeting cards. and they are willing to give a free one every time you buy a gift from there. But i also believe that cards are available in @Al Shalati Bookshop , @Virgin Megastore , and @BalloonzMania check them out.

Where can I find Indian headwear?

I know that @Al Shalati Bookshop Abdoun branch can make you a one :)

Where can I buy school supplies like a binder, notebooks and flash cards?

@Shalati - On gardens street has the all school supplies you need!
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