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158 Fans


4.25 Stars - 4 Votes


Zahran St. Level 2, The Galleria Mall - Swefieh



Operating Hours:

Days a Week
10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I find iPhone 5 armband?

You can find some @Adidas as well as @Go Sport

Where can I find simple sweatshirts (stores in Mecca Mall)?

Well unfortunately because the weather is heating it is hard to find sweatshirts but I know you can get some @Adidas and also @George

Where can I find a place that sells a good backpack in Irbid?

you will find a really good quality backpack @Adidas on the Ground Floor level at Irbid City Center Mall.

Where can I find how much is Adidas superstar shoes?

You can always check out one of @Adidas stores or @Go Sport

Where can I find first-copy women's sports pants?

Go to @Adidas Outlet you can find there a good quality pants for less prices

Where can I find these nice hats (I forgot what they're called, anyway post away)?

This is hard because I don't know what kind of hats you re looking for, I mean there are so many options. So I guess I will just give you a list: you can get hats @H&M , @Zara , @Diesel , @Fred Perry, @Adidas and @Timberland

Where can I find running tights and how much it costs?

Search for them @Nike & @Adidas you will find varies designs with varies prices

Where can I buy hats in Taj Mall?

@French Connection has flat caps also @GS has. If you want sporty stuff go @Go Sport @Adidas or @Nike
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