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Rami03's latest tips

Where can I buy some fun travel bag tags?
@Champions I don't know what girls would consider fun, but if I do say so myself, the bag tags at @Champions are pretty fun. I saw one with a rainbow and clouds.

Where can I find restaurants and bars serve alcohol during Ramadan?
Considering that @Tip n' Tag HQ post one annually, I think they're going to publish a blog with a list of places... you can check out blog.tipntag.com but so far no such blog is out this year yet.

Where can I find filleting knife for fish?
@Cozmo Home have the Berlinger Haus Slicer Knife 20 cm (6.75 JOD) and the Pendrini Carving Knife (9,4" blade) (11.5 JOD)

Where can I get a really big tri-fold presentation board for science fairs?
@Dumyah Bazic White Tri-Fold Corrugated Presentation Board for 3.25 JOD

Where can I find an app for a fresh juice shop?
Not a fresh juice restaurant, but they do have good fresh juices on their app @Kababji

Where can I find a tea maker and a holder that holds the heat for long period of time ?
@DNA Lifestyle have one that holds 1.3L of liquid and keeps it hot for up to 6 hours, it costs 39JDs.

Where can I find a tea beverage container/holder?
@DNA Lifestyle if you mean a large thermos that you can keep pouring from, they sell one for 39 JDs and one for 26JDs. They also have that fit one glass of tea for a bunch of prices from 21-29JDs

Where can I find a reasonable priced place that rents a room with pc or laptop in it ?
Depends what you want the computer for, @Compu Gaming Center has PC's for gaming... I don't know about private rooms for PC's but I do know they have private rooms with TV's.

Where can I get a girlfriend?
Go places that interest you, it's best for meeting people who share interests with you. You can checkout the Daydreamer to see if there are any events you're interested in going to http://blog.tipntag.com/the-daydreamer-%e2%9d%84%ef%b8%8f-february-2022-week-4/

Where can I find wireless or Bluetooth tracker because i am a scatter brain and i lose things?
@Smart Buy you can buy a 4 pack of AirTags for 96JD's from there

Where can I find any ideas for Valentine's Day today?
@Lolita Cafe has really good food, and it's homey and inexpensive. I would call ahead of time and order some starters, though, because they're food usually takes upwards of an hour to be ready.