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Louis Castro's latest tips

Where can I sell used books?

I've bought books several times on expat forums!

Where can I find pokemon cards in dubai,UAE?

@Geekay Games is the best place to get pokemon cards from in Dubai

Where can I buy tempeh?

my girlfriend used to get her tempeh from @Spinneys

Where can I find liquor chocolates?

You can also buy alcoholic chocolate from @Desert Cart

Where can I find the biggest burger?

there's a place called @Catch22 that has a burger called the jawbreaker so you can try that if you feel like you're up for it

Where can I find the best coffee beans?

Try @Boon Coffee , the only coffee i use for my cold brews

Where can I service my car?

What kind of services are you looking for? @iTyreCare deal with car tires

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