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24 Fans
Roe Restaurant

Roe Restaurant

5 Stars - 15 Votes


Kulliyat Al Shareaa St. Near Rumi - Jabal Al Weibdeh



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
12:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I find the most delicious sushi?

It’s not really an offer per say, but I heard you can get a piece for a JD at @Roe

Where can I eat ramen?

@Roe Restaurant Everything was absolutely delicious. We got crab salad, brisket ramen, and one of the sushi combos.

Where can I find the best dumplings?

@Roe Restaurant fancy but super tasty. Try their gyoza as well

Where can I find noodles in Jabal Amman?

i love @Roe Restaurant you should try their black ramen (hint: substitute the chicken for brisket) don't forget to add some boiled eggs too!

Where can I eat dumplings?

I tried the vegetarian dumplings at @Chinese Village Restaurant and the gyoza at @Roe Restaurant and both were good.

Where can I find pho?

There isn't any here, there used to be a place but it closed down. The closest you'll get to Pho is maybe some ramen from @Roe , technically the difference between pho vs ramen is mostly in the noodle and the toppings used, but they're still pretty similar in terms on texture and general flavor.
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