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600 Fans


4 Stars - 8 Votes


7th Circle, Issa Al Naouri St.



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
7:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I find kiwis?

If you want the juice bar @Kiwi Juices & Snacks click on the link to see a map or @Cozmo or really any supermarket would have them.

Where can I find Twizzlers?

@Cozmo in the 7th circle just ask for it ,it's near the safway or the rabiah one

Where can I buy pork?

@The Pork Butcher and most large supermarkets like @Cozmo and also @Milano if you want to eat out.

Where can I find peanut oil?

@Seed has almond oil and coconut oil, if that helps at all. I'd also look at @Cozmo

Where can I find 100% fresh - unfrozen blueberries?

@Cozmo will have them in season, but I think that's around summertime.
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