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10 Fans
Crown & Lion

Crown & Lion


Sheikh Zayed Rd. Byblos Hotel - Barsha



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
11:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m.

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Where can I find a good sports bar?

@Crown & Lion An old-school English pub that’s just the most typical pub’s pub. It does the basics well, with reasonably priced drinks, bar sports and a bucket load of screens dotted about showing the footy.

Where can I watch the Euro 2016 Tournament?

@Carter's Bar & Restaurant or @Crown & Lion both great places but might be a little crowded during the matches

Where can I eat savory pies?

@Dubliners or @The Ivy or @Crown & Lion all have classic yummy pies

Where can I go out for a pint at a typical english style pub?

@Crown & Lion has live british bands on some nights and Djs. I guess it can turn into more of a dance party than pub sometimes
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