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5 Fans
Crossfit Sands

Crossfit Sands


Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Rd. Dubai Autodrome - Motor City



Operating Hours:

Times Vary

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Where can I find crossfit classes?

Check out @Crossfit Sands it is great for beginners or advance

Where can I exercise?

Depends what you are looking for like if you want a gym a good one is @Fit Lab or if you are looking for something a little different then try @Crossfit Sands

Where can I find the best personal trainer?

I would say your best option is to join a gym and get a personal trainer there! But my friend does @Crossfit Sands it's kind of like having a trainer and a team to push you

Where can I go to crossfit classes for ladies only?

@Crossfit Sands they have a ladies only class Sun-Thu from 9 to 10am
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