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118 Fans
Gerard Ice Cream

Gerard Ice Cream

4.75 Stars - 13 Votes


Abdoun Circle, Prince Hashim St. - Abdoun



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
11:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I have drinks or desserts to match this weather?

Sahlab is one of the few reasons I like this weather. Get it from @Gerard Ice Cream or @Bekdash

Where can I have the best dessert/ice cream (it's a cheat meal so should be really good)?

@Gerard Ice Cream order Nutella ice cream so good! Also give the Japanese cheese cake a try @Uncle Osaka

Where can I take my nieces for a Friday outing?

@Gerard Ice Cream has this creative Friday thing where kids can mix many different flavours in one scoop. This could be fun and invloves ice cream which kids love!

Where can I have food that will keep me nice and toasty?

winter = sahlab! That's where @Gerard Ice Cream comes to save the day lol. Seriously guys, try it out.

Where can I drink the best Sahlab?

@Gerard Ice Cream in my opinion is still the best, some places they just give you sahlab and that's it, meanwhile they add on top of it pistachio, shredded coconut, cinnamon and raisons.

Where can I find icecream biscuit cones?

@Gerard Ice Cream you can find ice cream cone at any ice cream shop

Where can I have the best desserts?

@Sugar Daddy's Bakery @Paul @Rawan Cake @The Cake Boutique @Gerard Ice Cream @The Cake Shop

Where can I get ice cream delivery?

You can order from @Gerard Ice Cream ! Call them up and place your order, or you can do it through @ifood.jo

Where can I find the best frozen yogurt?

@Gerard Ice Cream on Abdoun circle has a frozen yoghurt machine, they have only 2 flavors though so if you are looking for a wide variety it's not the best place. They have "Apple Tree" frozen yoghurt and the other flavor changes but it's usually strawberry or chocolate
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